Easing Your Distress with a Migraine Remedy
My first wife had migraine headaches. The throbbing was in the temples of her head. Her migraine remedy was to take over the counter pain medications to relieve her pain. For some reason I did not like the idea of eating of those pain relievers. I used to think that there had to be a better way.
Are you suffering from headaches?
According to the National Headache Foundation (NHF) tension headaches affect nearly 78% of the adult population. 13% of the population suffers from migraines. Because the cause of migraines varies greatly, one migraine remedy may help in one person may trigger an attack in another. The suggestions here are guidelines for those who suffer regularly from tension headaches which may have an identifiable physical cause.
An easy migraine remedy is to check for aspartame in the foods you eat.
Some headache sufferers notice a connection with consuming or drinking foods with aspartame. For those who are sensitive to the compound read the label before you eat the food. The aspartame may promote blood vessels to expand in the brain. This can initiate a headache. Eliminating aspartame from your diet can make a huge difference.
Caffeine is used to contend with headaches. Its proprieties can boost pain medication in providing relief and can be sought and found in treatments to relieve migraines. However, more than a safe level of caffeine can have a 'rebound' effect and actually concern headaches. If you suffer from regular headaches you should avoid daily use of caffeinated beverages such as coffee and certain sodas.
Another migraine remedy according to the McKinley Health Center, should be to do without tobacco. This migraine remedy can be a problem solver for many ailments.
Some headaches also seem to be aggravated by more than a safe level of sun. Excessive exercise outdoors and lack of hydration can contribute to headaches. Keep eyes shaded and be sure to drink plenty water when outdoors.
What you may think is a sinus headache may actually be a migraine. A consultation with your specialist may determine if you should switch to a migraine remedy.
According to the NHF, migraine headaches caused by stress should respond to reducing the stress. Over-the-counter analgesics can also promote migraines. However, if headaches occur almost daily you need to look for ways of dealing with the stress and discuss other options with your health care specialist. Consistent use of over the counter applications can actually induce headaches. Stopping with all the over the counter drugs can be one alternative. This migraine remedy may need the approval of your doctor.
Leading a healthy and active lifestyle has many benefits, including a reduction of migraine type headaches. Combining a healthy lifestyle with avoidance of triggers may improve your headache illness. This may be your best migraine remedy.
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Aron Wallad has been helped by natural herbs. He has dramatically reduced his blood sugar level from 306 to 160 using a 47 year old natural herbs product. Called Immunicin it conttains over 250 herbs. He has finished, smoking cigarettes using some Chinese herbs 12 years ago. Thank goodness he found a better way to taking care of oneself. He is committed to having families have better health in their lives in a natural way.
Go here right now to see his story. http://www.herbalhealth123.com Or write to him here aron@herbalhealth123.com